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5 /5

Tutors with an average rating of 5 and over 27,730 reviews.

11 £/h

The best prices: 95% of tutors offer their first lesson free and the average lesson cost is £11/hr

2 h

Fast as lightning! Our tutors usually respond in under 2hrs

Finding an English tutor is simple

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💰What is the average price of English tutoring?

The average price of English tuition is £11.

The price of your lessons depends on a number of factors

  • The experience of your teacher
  • The location of your lessons (at home, online, or an outside location)
  • the duration and frequency of your lessons
  • Whether you are studying English at GCSE, A level or University level

97% of teachers offer their first lesson for free.

Find a private tutor near you.

💡 Why should you get private English tuition?

With the help of an English tutor you can get personalised help. Whether you are studying for your GCSE's, struggling with creative writing, or preparing for university exams, a private tutor can share their expert knowledge to help you.

A messaging service is available to allow you to get in touch with the private tutors on our platform and discuss the details of your lessons.

Find your private tutor today.

💻 Can you get English tutoring online?

On Superprof, many of our English tutors offer online tuition.

Find a 
English tutoring online.

To find online courses, just select the webcam filter in the search engine to see the available tutors offering online courses in your desired subject. 

🎓How many English tutors are currently available?

241,531 tutors are currently available to give English tuition near you.

You can browse the different tutor profiles to find one that suits you best.

Find your tutor from among 241,531 profiles.

✒️ How are our English tutors rated?

From a sample of 27,730  tutors, students rated their private tutors 5 out 5.

If you have any issues or questions, our customer service team is available to help you.

You can view tutor ratings by 
consulting the reviews page.

Do you need private English tutoring?

You'll have so many talented English tutors to choose from!

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Essential information about your English tutoring

✅ Average price:£11/h
✅ Average response time:2h
✅ Tutors available:241,531
✅ Lesson format:Face-to-face or online

Connect with tutors offering GCSE, A level, Higher and Degree level English tuition

Private English tuition in the UK has become increasingly popular as students seek personalised learning experiences to improve their language skills. Whether you're looking to enhance your conversational English, prepare for exams, or master academic writing, finding the right tutor can make all the difference in your learning journey. Superprof offers a diverse selection of English tutors who are dedicated to helping you achieve your language goals.

How Much Do Our English Tutors Charge in the UK?

When considering private English tuition in the UK, the cost is an important factor to consider. The price of tuition can vary depending on factors such as the tutor's experience, qualifications, location, and the level of the student. On average, English tutors in the UK charge between £20 to £50 per hour. Rates may be higher for tutors with specialized expertise in areas such as exam preparation, or English lit.

Superprof provides transparency in pricing, allowing students to compare rates and find a tutor that fits their budget. By browsing through tutor profiles on the platform, students can find tutors who offer competitive rates without compromising on quality.

Qualifications of English Tutors on Superprof

The English tutors on Superprof possess diverse qualifications and expertise to cater to the unique needs of each student. Many tutors hold degrees in English literature, linguistics, education, or related fields from reputable universities. Additionally, tutors often have extensive teaching experience, ranging from teaching English as a second language to providing specialized instruction in areas such as grammar, writing, text analysis, and exam preparation.

Before selecting a tutor, students can review their profiles to learn more about their educational background, teaching style, and areas of specialization. Furthermore, the platform allows students to read reviews and ratings from previous students, providing valuable insights into the tutor's effectiveness and professionalism.

How Are Our Tutors Vetted?

At Superprof, we prioritize the quality of our tutors by implementing a rigorous vetting process. Each tutor undergoes comprehensive screening to ensure they meet our standards of excellence. This vetting process focuses on verifying the tutor's credentials and diplomas. By vetting our tutors meticulously, we uphold the highest standards of quality and provide students with access to experienced, knowledgeable, and reliable educators who are dedicated to their learning journey.

How Can I Find an English Tutor on Superprof?

Navigating the Superprof platform is simple and intuitive, making it easy for students to find the perfect English tutor. By using search filters such as location, price range, availability, and areas of expertise, students can narrow down their options and find tutors that meet their specific criteria. Once they have identified potential tutors, students can contact them directly through the platform to discuss their learning goals and schedule lessons.

Superprof offers a seamless and convenient way to connect with experienced English tutors who are passionate about helping students succeed. Whether you're looking to improve your speaking skills, enhance your writing abilities, or prepare for exams, Superprof has a tutor to suit your needs.

What Happens During Your English Tutoring Sessions

During your lessons with a Superprof tutor, you can expect a personalized and engaging learning experience tailored to your individual needs. Tutors will work closely with you to identify areas of weakness and develop a customized learning plan to address them. Lessons may involve a combination of conversational practice, grammar exercises, vocabulary building, and interactive activities to enhance your language skills.

Superprof tutors are committed to creating a supportive and encouraging learning environment where you feel comfortable practicing your English skills and asking questions. With regular feedback and progress tracking, you can monitor your improvement and stay motivated on your journey towards English proficiency.

Private English tuition in the UK offers students the opportunity to receive personalised instruction from experienced tutors who are dedicated to helping them achieve their language goals. With Superprof, you can find a tutor that fits your budget, schedule, and learning objectives. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced learner, Superprof has a tutor to help you improve your English skills and succeed in your academic and professional pursuits.

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